Monday, 20 June 2016

Preparation for Another Journey

The urge to wander lands I have not yet visited once again rises upon me. There is much to see while the body is still willing, and there is little foreseeable to hold me back, aware as I am of my limits.

When I look around the fair town I was born in, and many more besides, I see beneath the facade of cleanliness. People wearing masks as they go about their daily routine. The usually invisible manipulators encouraging and replusing, according to their own programming.

The labels of the psychiatric profession encouraged upon me in their own wheedling persuasiveness to make me doubt my beliefs shaped through experience and instead embrace a number of adjectives to place me firmly on the outside of the social strata, have since changed to a focus on medication and repeated questions to establish a update on this...condition.

Medication and subservience to an establishment encouraged to keep people in a state of docility and sleep is not the answer for me, and so I shall try to meet others with minds both similar and at total odds with my own, and try to find a better solution, for the betterment of all.

My spiritual studies continue to bring links between various religions, seeming as nuggets of truth in the vast flotsam and jetsam of noise and power-agenda'd information and disinformation.

The leads have pointed to several places of interest around the globe that may lead to knowledge that can be put to practical use, and I intend to visit Greece, Egypt and Israel soon. Whether I shall be successful in this quest as opposed to my last failed attempt to explore Syria remains to be seen.

Saturday, 4 June 2016


A surge flows
Convulse emotive energy
Colours reactions, the interpretation of words,
Programming for the society that manifests dark desires.

Working the intentions.

The tenuous grip on the consensual reality,

A depth of outpouring resentments
pushing further through the swirling vortex of the source.

A creator sits on a rock atop a blasted landscape, head lowered,
Tears falling like raindrops of blood to the dusty ground below.

You hold the swords of vengeance and the wand of possibility.
The aura of the avatar before you emits a kaliedoscope
of colour as it recognises all that you are.

"This creation shall again act according to the desires that give life
it'as vast and complex flavours."

Everything that can be, is.

Road to Ruin (Illustrated Edition)

  Road to Ruin Martin Peel 3 rd March 2011 Edited 27 th November 2019 Second Edit and Illustrations 25th Novembr 2023 ...