Wednesday 17 April 2013


Haven't slept and had a burst of inspiration, felt the overpowering urge to write:

I believe that it's possible we were visited by Gods from Sirius and/or Orion thousands of years ago. The first use of the Holy Trinity to my knowledge is that of Isis, Osiris and Horus depicted respectively as a human woman (the Mother of Creation, not the Father as in Catholicism), a half-lizard that functions as both male and female, and a hawk-headed man.

These three deities are perhaps aliens, with powers comparable to that of Gods when they appeared to humanity. Helping mankind start on the long path of technology and guide us towards being able to reach their planet, communicating through people's minds (for example Ptolemy, who plotted their locations on a star chart). The Dogon people are another example, an ethnic group in Mali, West Africa; who are reported to have traditional astronomical knowledge about Sirius that would normally be considered impossible without the use of telescopes. These people believed that God was both male and female combined, and that one could only reach this God, whom they call Roog, through secret knowledge only partially known at best by their High Priests.

The Yoonan - a sign for Sirius from the Serer religion depicting the pentacle, or five pointed star

However much has been said of Sirius as 'evil' or 'wrong', as under its gaze the hottest months started, which would cause fevers for man, and perhaps it's influence is maligned from it's true purpose. Orion, on the other hand, is known as the great Hunter. Perhaps Orion itself is not a hunter, but merely a command TO HUNT, a slight misinterpretation of the myths handed to us by these beings, or messengers from the constellation, who wanted us to hunt for it first - from one of the planets orbiting the two brightest stars we have detected: Alpha (Betelgeuse) and Beta (Rigel). Betelgeuse seems to be first on the list for what I trust to be obvious reasons. The Babylonians refer to the star within Orion as  they associated with as "The Heavenly Shepherd", which clearly indicates that the Babylonians were told that people from this star were watching over them from the heavens, guiding us remotely on the path to reach enlightenment as a species, and thus attaining true Gnosis, the secret knowledge with which we may meet them.

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